Saturday, April 26, 2008

Lets go green!

Today mommy thought it would be fun to visit a Family First event, and since it was at a museum I knew we'd have lots of fun. The whole festival was about how to live green and help save our planet. It was a Green Living Family Festival with lots of food, music and fun. I got to explore the Heard Museum and see lots of cool fossils. There was a whole exhibit of snakes, mommy was very afraid but I think they were neat. They even had some of them out so that we could pet them!

There was a petting zoo with strange animals that I had never seen before. There were goats and ducks and a pony.

But my favorite was a little piggy.

After playing with the animals we went and listened to a band that was playing. I love music and started clapping and dancing. It was great day, mommy learned how to be green and I got to explore!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

March of Dimes

Today we walked, well mommy walked and I rode in my stroller, in the North Texas March of Dimes' March for Babies. I wasn't sure what all the hoopla was but apparently its a very important charity to mommy. She's been involved in it for years! Mommy headed up her law firm's walk and fundraising efforts and they raised over $5,000 dollars. I really don't know how much that is but I'm guessing its alot more than I've got in my little piggy bank. Mommy's such a sap now that I'm around, prolly because she loves me so much. She tells me how thankful she is to have me and that I'm healthy (well relatively - stupid ear infections). Mommy found 2 families for the firm to walk for, I felt really sad when mommy told me about a little baby boy named Jack. I think Jack was pretty special and I think he's very lucky he gets to be back in heaven with God. My mommy designed posters for the fundraising and I think she did such a great job!

There were so many people at the march, I think there were 25,000 people! Can you believe that? The march was 5 miles long around White Rock Lake. It was a perfect day for it too, not too hot and had a nice breeze. I was excited to see so many people, there were even puppy dogs! I got to meet a few of mommy's friends from work too.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Fun with Flowers

Today mommy, daddy, Gramps, Grandma and I all loaded up and went to the Dallas Arboretum for some family fun. There were so many people there, I was a little concerned that I'd get lost in the crowd but Grandma held me close most of the day!

We all ate lunch first but as usual I thought my hand tasted the best.

I got to practice my newly acquired walking skills on some very interesting ground. Mommy says its called grass but it does not look anything like the grass at our house. It was more like carpet!

They had a "Lil Britches Rodeo" and I got to pretend I was a real
cowboy and ride a bull. Ty Murray ain't got nothing on me!

I tried to ride a stick horse but I'm still a little shorty and I was
having some difficulties with my hat

We saw lots of flowers, I'd never seen so many colorful things in my life before. They were very interesting and felt funny on my fingers. I wondered what they'd taste like but mommy was too quick, she just kept taking them away from me before I had a chance to sneak one in my mouth.

Mommy got an old fashion root beer float and she let me have a taste, it was sooooo yummy. I wanted more but she wouldn't share.

We found a live band playing and decided to sit awhile and listen. You know me I love music and couldn't sit still. Mommy let me dance and I kept clapping my hands to the beat.

After listening to the band we went and settled down for nap time but Grandma thought we should take some pictures first. She's so silly and kept making me giggle. I really wanted to go get her and make her stop but mommy and daddy wouldn't let go of my hands.

When I finally got to lay down Grandma and that tickle bug just wouldn't leave me alone!

The flower park was lots of fun and
I always love seeing Grandma and Gramps!