Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Turkey Time

It was my first turkey day that I actually got to participate in. Last year mommy and daddy only let me eat some sweet potato baby food. But this year I got to eat anything I wanted! And oh boy did I want lots of those yummy mashed potatoes!

Mommy sure did make a great looking feast. Can you believe I was only 4 lbs bigger than the turkey? That's crazy!

Mommy made turkey, MASHED POTATOES, sweet potatoes, creamed spinach, cranberry chutney, side salads and then grandma brought dressing, deviled eggs and brussel sprouts. But all I cared about were the mashed potatoes!

Thank you mommy for making such a yummy meal for all of us. And I've very thankful to have my mommy, daddy, gramps, grandma, papaw, grandma and all of my uncles and friends at daycare!

Halloween 08

So mommy's camera wasn't working and Grandma's camera was fritzing out too so I don't know if we have any pictures from Halloween so we'll just save this spot for a later update.

Sink Suds

Grandma still insists on washing me in the kitchen sink. I'm sorry to say grandma I don't think I'll be fitting in the sink much longer but it was fun while it lasted!

Hey mom are you gonna help?

Hehehe, come just a little bit closer and I can get you with this bucket!

What me? splash water all over the place and on you mommy? never? See how could someone as adorable as me be a mischief maker?

Up, Up, Up and Away!

September and it was starting to get cool in the mornings finally! So bright and early, before the sun had even gotten up, mommy, gramps, grandma, uncle Brandon and Julie all met up at the local Balloon Festival. Mommy was pretty excited, and I guess so was grandma 'cause she brought tons of yummy snacks too! We got a really good and up close spot to watch all the balloons fill with air and then lift off. There were so many balloons! I couldn't believe my eyes. All different shapes and sizes. Some of them were even characters!

Like this pirate! "Ahoy mate, there she blows, oh wait there I blow" ;)
Can you believe there was a tree? Look at how big it is, there are birds on it and everything! Mommy said that since there was non wind, some of the big balloons like the tree, would stay tied to the ground since there wasn't enough air to get them off the ground. That was kind of disappointing but at least that meant I got a really good look at them all morning long.

Can you see the daisy?

A few of the regular balloons got some air but most of them came down pretty quickly.

While we were watching all the balloons fill up with air, and boy are they noisy, a very nice man saw grandma, mommy and I standing by the fence and asked if we wanted to come see the balloon close up. We were very excited. I got to touch on blowing up, I was a little preoccupied to take any pictures those. Geesh mom do you have to take a picture of everything?

We had a great morning seeing all the balloons and people. But I sure was tired and ready to take a nap when we got home. I can't wait for next year's festival!

Long Time Gone

I have to apologize for my mommy she's been really bad about getting any fun pictures for me to update the world about. Don't get me wrong, it's not that we haven't been having fun but instead mommy keeps getting mad at her camera because she says that I'm a very active little boy now and her camera just moves too slow. So she always misses every shot. I'm sorry mommy, I can't help it. I think you should just ask Santa for a new camera for Christmas so that we can take lots of pictures and I of course can keep up the blog for all my fans! So on to the recap of all our fun the past few months....

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Sweet Dreams

"Goodnight room. Goodnight moon. Goodnight cow jumping over the moon. Goodnight light, and the red balloon..."

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Monday Night Football

I tried really hard to stay up and watch Monday night football with daddy but I just couldn't make it. Maybe next time?

Monday, September 1, 2008

Life's a beach

On Saturday morning mommy, gramps, grandma and I all loaded up and drove down the street to the beach by our house. Mommy says its not a real beach but a swimming area on the lake but it looked like the beach to me. I was ready too, mommy put me down and I grabbed my bucket.

Now the only thing is I don't know what I'm supposed to do with this bucket. Any ideas?

I've got a shovel in here too guys!

Oh look I can put the sand in my bucket! It's perfect, this is what you're supposed to do, of course. It's so much fun!

Hey wait a minute, what's going on out there in that big bathtub. At least I think its a bathtub, I know its water but it sure don't look like my pool or the bathtub.

Hey gramps look, we're twinkies. I'm not so sure about thins though. At least I've got my boat, I know boats go in the water 'cause my daddy said so. My boat's not as big as daddy's though.

Grandma and gramps decided to teach me how to swim, this is so much fun. Whenever they say kick I kick my legs and we move forward. I love it, and I can put my face under water just like Michael Phelps. Buddy you'd better watch out 'cause I'm gonna break your records, even daddy says so 'cause I come from a long line of swimmers. Now if only I wasn't such a shorty.

Daddy and Uncle Chad came by while we were at the beach. Daddy said they weren't having much luck fishing, I told him he should just stay and swim instead.

The beach was great 'cause we were the only ones there, can you believe that? One Labor Day weekend we had the whole beach to ourselves! After I learned how to swim it was snack time and grandma brought the most yummy blueberries. I ate almost the whole container. Mommy said she's said summer's almost over since this was our first time out here and we had so much fun but I made her promise to come back next weekend.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Channel Surfing

You guys never watch anything good, daddy let me have the remote!

Hummm, there's not any football on.

Oh yeah here we go, Puppy Olympics are on Animal Planet!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Clean Up Crew

Mommy's at it again, since I did such a great job with my dusting duties she's assigned me another chore for the week. She said I'm supposed to sweep the floors. Personally I think she's just getting tired of picking up after me. I promise mommy I don't ever intentionally throw food on the floor from my highchair ;) But ok now how do I use this thing? It seems a little awkard to me...

Ok I think I've got it now, oh this is much more fun. I'll just ride it like a pony. Surely this is how you're supposed to do it.

Man, mommy and daddy, this place is a mess! You've really got to start cleaning up after yourselves!

Ok my work here is done, now where do I put these things?

"I gradumated"

I officially graduated from the infant room to the toddler room yesterday. See I got my very own diploma and everything!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Pomp & Circumstance

I'm a big boy now. I graduated from the infant room to the toddler room at daycare today. We even had a graduation ceremony where I got a diploma. Mommy, Gramps and Grandma all came to watch me walk down the hall to my new room. It was a big ordeal. I got to wear a cap and gown and everything!

I was a little overwhelmed at first, there were so many strange adults around!

Mommy! I'm coming but I'm scared!

Oh wait, I'm confused where am I supposed to go now that I'm down the hall?

Oh and after my walk I had to show mommy our new toys that were going in the big boy room. Look mommy I get to play with these.
It wouldn't be any fun if I didn't try to eat the fake plant.

After everybody walked down the hall, we got to go in our new room and eat donuts with orange juice but mommy wanted to take a picture. Come on mommy I don't want the donuts to get all eaten before I get any.

Ok guys where's my donut?

Oh YUMMY. I love donuts, gimmie donuts, I'm gonna shove as many of them in mouth as I can get so none of you can have any. They're all mine!

Well ok Grandma if you really really really want one I'll share.

Graduating is pretty fun if I say so myself, especially if you always get donuts. I think I'd like to graduate everyday.

Bronc Ridin'

Bronc riding is dangerous, be sure to always wear the appropriate head protection and mouth gear.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Mommy fixed spaghetti for me for the first time. Now I've had raviolis and beef-a-roni but spaghetti? I wasn't so sure about it, I mean it looks a little hard to pick up and "mama mia I thinka it needsah soma parmesan cheesea"

Hey where'd it all go? In my tummy? No way!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

100th Post!

Yippy we made 100 posts!
This is cause for celebration, what should we do?
A dance maybe....

Wiggles Watching!

I know it's a little late but you can blame mommy, she just kept forgetting to upload my pictures for me. So I'm going to backtrack a little bit. 3 Saturdays ago we got to the The Wiggles in concert. Oh my gosh I can't tell you how excited I was. I love to dance and sing and The Wiggles do too! When we first got there I was a little shy, there were hundreds of people and a bunch of noise. Kids were everywhere, it was a lot to take in. Mommy tried to take a picture of the stage but her camera sucks and this is as good as it got.

Then the show started and it was amazing! There were lights and colors everywhere. We were right near the front and had an aisle seat. One of The Wiggles even came right by me! There was a large screen off to the side. I liked to watch that most of the time, at first I didn't realize that stuff was going on on stage, I thought it was all on the screen. I was mesmorized, can you tell?

The Wiggles were so cool, there was a giant puppy, and since I can say "pup" I kept repeating it while the puppy was on stage. I really liked the show. Mommy and daddy wouldn't let me down to dance but at least I got to clap my hands, sing and of course WIGGLE in mommy's lap.

Towards the end of the show I started getting tired though, I mean who wouldn't after something so exciting?!? I can't wait until they come back to town! I'm practicing my dance moves so that I'll be ready.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Family Fun

About a week ago mommy, daddy and me all went to Lake Lewisville to take some family pictures. Mommy's friend Jamie was there to capture all of the action. We had lots of fun. There were ducks and boats and fishies. Mommy tried to swing while holding me, that was interesting and didn't work out so well. It was pretty hot, I think it ended up being the hottest day of the summer thus far. It was 97 degrees outside at 8 A.M. and ended up getting to 107! Can you believe that, oh well it didn't take away from our fun in the sun. I wasn't too fond of having to sit in the dirt, I kept sliding off. Ok mommy please get me off of here, I'm done can't we play?

Oh boy this is what I'm talking about. Look at those giant birds!

Daddy loves boats, he tried to show me which boats were the best. He said you have to have certain boats for certain fish. Did you know there are bass boats for catching bass fish?

It wasn't all boat lessons, oh no we had lots of fun. Daddy knows my favorite thing to do is to fly. Higher daddy, higher!

Oh no he's tickling me now!

After my flying lessons with daddy, mommy and I decided to go wade in the lake. It sure was hot enough and the water was warm, like bath water.

Mommy's so silly she tried splashing me. Don't you know you're not supposed to get in the lake with your clothes on mommy?
There was so much for me to see and explore. I didn't know where to begin. Jamie caught me contemplating the vastness and my delima. I like to say this is my model pose!

Hey Jamie, what are you doing over there?

Mommy and I had some time and we played the airplane game. I love the airplane game, mommy lays down and I stand with my belly up against her shins. Then on the count of three she raises her legs and I can fly! I get so excited that I start counting and bouncing on two.

I started getting tired towards the end of our time, it was very close to nap time.

Oh but who couldn't go for one more swing!

And a few upside down swings!

Ok put me down and lets go, I think I could fall asleep right here right now.

Jamie's such a great photographer and I'm glad she was there to get all of the fun we had.