Monday, June 30, 2008


Boooooo the rain and crazy lightening show ruined our evening plans. I was supposed to go to my first baseball game ever and I was very excited. I wanted to see all the celebrities like Michael Irvin from the Dallas Cowboys and Mike Modono from the Dallas Stars.

Instead I got to watch a crazy lightening show though. I was a little scared too because it was very noisy. Hopefully I'll get to go see a baseball game that doesn't get rained out soon.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Splash Park Fun

Today I had so much fun! Grandma and mommy took me to a splash pad park. It was called Aviator Park, look at those cool airplanes. Mommy says the park is called Aviator because there's a small airport next to it. I got to hear the planes warming up their engines. Boy were they loud. And I even got to see a few of them fly over some trees, they were so close, I bet if I was a big boy I could have touched them.

Before we got to the park mommy stopped at a few garage sales so I took a nap. I was still half asleep when we got there and mommy put me in a plane. I wasn't sure where I was at first. Grandma where am I?

After the plane ride I got to practice my sliding skills. I've only done them a couple times so I was a little worried. Grandma help me!

Well that wasn't so bad after all, ok mommy I've got it from here.

After I had woken up a bit more mommy put on the sunscreen and to the water we went. Come on mommy lets get wet. Also everybody please notice the little boy in the background with the basketball.

Ah ha I've got it. Yup thats right I stole his ball! I'm gonna be "that kid" I mean hey look he wasn't playing with it right so its fair game. You gotta put it up on these spouts of water like this.

Oh these things are so much fun! I bet I could drink right from one of these things.

Grandma look I've got some of it!

The park also had swings, and you know how I love to swing so I jumped right in. It always tickles my tummy when I swing and I can't help but giggle.

Hey what's that stuff down there?

All this fun sure makes a boy thirsty!
Grandma and mommy got tired early so we had to come home so they could take a nap, I could have stayed all day. But I guess they needed to get their rest because the day's not over and we're going to a celebrity baseball game and firework show tonight! I can't wait, this is the best day ever!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Look-alike Meter

I always hear different things from different people as to who I look like the most. Some say mommy, some say daddy and get this some say Gramps, so here's a fun experiment to see what I computer thinks.

MyHeritage: Family trees - Genealogy - Celebrities - Collage - Morph

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Monday, June 23, 2008

My birthday wishlist

Mommy and daddy keep telling me how I'm getting to be such a big boy - can you believe it I'm almost 1 year old! My birthday is coming up so soon and mommy has been planning a fun birthday party. I can't wait, Gramps and Grandma will be there. And so will Papaw and Grandma and Aunt Erin and Uncle Boy and my favorite cousin Damon. Mommy says that I will get a special treat - I'm going to get to eat ice cream and cake! Oh boy I can hardly wait!

Mommy sent out the invitations and she said people have been asking what I want, oh there's a whole list of things I want. Now I'm sure mommy and daddy think I already have enough toys but honestly can you ever really have enough toys? I just hope they didn't tell everyone to skip the presents and just contribute to my college account. I mean how fun is that? Not very fun 'cause I'd have to wait another whole 17 years to use that and besides then it'll just go to buy some overpriced books, boo.

I think I need a wagon. I really like it when daddy and uncle Chad push/pull me around the house. Plus I really like going for walks in my stroller but I just can't see everything in my stroller. If I had a wagon I could look around at everything, and I'd be able to keep watching those pesky birds when they fly around behind me.

I love my moo-cow so much but like I said before I really like it when mommy and daddy push me around on it like a sled instead. Mommy and daddy can't do it for very long though, something about it being a workout and bending over. I really don't understand what's so hard about it. So instead to accommodate my mommy and daddy I think I'd like something like this. It has a handle so mommy and daddy can push me around w/o having to bend over. And since I get tired of making vroom-vroom noises this makes them for me. Best of all I can make it scoot myself. Watch out Dale Earnhart Jr, here I come!

Have I told you how much I love my moo-cow? Oh I have well thats good because I really do. And since I love rocking on my moo-cow I think I'd really like rocking on this rocking horse.

Mommy and daddy took my swing away a few weeks ago (I loved that swing) and they brought the bouncer back out so that I could have my own chair to sit in in the living room. Granted its a little difficult to get in and out of, I'm very happy to have my own little chair. Only mommy and daddy keep sticking it up against the couch so that when I climb in it, it doesn't tip over. Mommy says she's going to have to put it away here soon because I keep climbing all over it but I don't want her to. I like my little chair, maybe if I got a real chair I'd let her put it up.

Did you guys know that I can read, well mommy and daddy don't understand me but I love to get my books out, sit down and read them to myself. I think I'd like some more books for my birthday. Mommy keeps telling me about these books that she says were her favorites when she was a little girl. One is about a little bear that loses his button, and then one is all about monsters (mommy calls me her little monster) and then another one is all about this really pretty fish that sparkles. I think daddy would like the one about fish too since he goes fishing all the time.

Oh I can't wait until my birthday! I just know I'll get lots of goodies from mommy and daddy. I wonder if I'll get everything on my list? Mommy says I shouldn't get too upset if I only get 1 or 2 things though because I am pretty spoiled and already have lots of toys and they're running out of room in the house for all of them. I think they should just get a bigger house :)

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Mean Mother

I'm a mean mean mother on my mad mad moo cow!

Sweet Dreams

Godspeed, little man
Sweet dreams, little man
Oh my love will fly to you each night on angels wings
Sweet dreams

God bless mommy and match box cars
God bless dad and thanks for the stars
God hears "Amen," wherever we are
And I love you

Monday, June 16, 2008

Splish Splash

For mommy's Spring Exchange, her secret buddy got us this really cool water table. I was really excited to play with it but it had been too windy to play outside much until this weekend. Mommy said the weather was perfect - yippy I finally get to wear the swim trunks grandma got me. Daddy filled the table up with water while I watched, come on daddy hurry up I want to play!

Look, its all ready, I can put this boat in it now.

Ernie come here.

I wonder if I fill this cup up I can prolly drink it.

Yumo, this boat is tasty! Its just like bathtime!

Happy Father's Day

I'm the luckiest boy in the whole wide world because I have a great daddy that loves me so very much. He tells me so everyday! I love him too because he helps mommy out alot, even though she doesn't admit it. He changes my poopy diapers, gets my bottle ready for me at 2:30 in the morning (he's my night-shifter), he makes my moo cow a jet ski, he wrestles with me, he doesn't let "the claw" or the "ticklebug" get me too bad, he makes up silly songs for me and he calls me his little buddy. Daddy I have so much fun hanging out with you and love you so very much, I'm glad I have such a great daddy and I hope you had a happy father's day!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

New Kicks

I had a great surprise on Friday - gramps came to get me from daycare! He said we were going to have lots of fun and that grandma had everything all planned out. I was getting to spend the night at their house. Grandma had bought a big ball for me to play with when we got home. Then on Saturday morning we all got up and Grandma said I needed some new shoes so we went to the mall. Now I'm not a big fan of shoes, like my mommy and grandma I'd rather be barefoot but mommy says that I'm a big boy now and I'll be graduating to a new room at daycare and I'll have to wear shoes all day. So in honor of my graduation grandma and gramps set out to find me the coolest pair of kicks. I think they did a pretty good job. Check me out, I'm really stylin' now.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Wiggles

The Wiggles are coming to town this summer! I'm so excited, I can hardly wait 'til August.


Guess I can't ever say I was never a pothead now.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Little Chef

Mommy and daddy spend alot of time in the kitchen so I thought I'd start helping out. Look mommy I think we should have rice for dinner tonight. Here I've already got it out for you.

I'm having some trouble opening the box, can you help me please?

I'm so hungry I could eat the whole box! Lets hurry up and get dinner fixed.

Learning from daddy