Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Pickup Man

Mommy and daddy have been looking for a car for me since I love to be pushed around and love to drive the car at the doctor's office. But I think I'm more of a pickup truck man like my daddy and well mommy's a truck kind of girl herself too. I think Gramps would approve of this one since it comes with a toolbox and hardhat.

Monday, July 28, 2008


This boot is made for walking,
and that's just what I'm gonna do,

one of these days me and my boot are gonna
rope, ride and kick some booty too.


I'm a cowboy, on bucka-roo I ride
I'm wanted dead or alive
Wanted dead or alive!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

My first birthday party

I had such a great time at my birthday party that mommy made a slideshow for me, check it out!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

My Lady

Oh where is my Lady Guinevere? I have built a castle for us.

What's in a name?

Mommy found a cool name adviser from Babyzone and tested out what my name says about me. Look I think its pretty cool.


Chase Allen reflects idealism, the good of mankind. Chase Allen is the humanitarian with the power to make things happen and the integrity to stay the course. A mover and a shaker, without a selfish bone in its body; the name Chase Allen attracts respect, support, and devoted fans. It seems even that the Universe tends to support what the name Chase Allen represents. Speaks to people of all walks of life. Tolerant and broad-minded.

This name pursues goals other than money and power. It seeks justice. It wants to feed the hungry and heal the sick. And yet, the resources it needs to do the job seem to always magically appear.

Chase Allen most positive characteristics: Integrity, love for all, charisma. Encourages the best in people.

Chase Allen most negative characteristics: Naive, seeks fame, vulnerable to criticism, not a good judge of character.

So I wonder do you think this means I'm not going to be a baseball star?

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Tongue Tied?

Mommy always said she just knew that I was tongue tied from the very first day, even though the ladies in the hospital said I wasn't. She knew it had to be the reason I had such a hard time latching on at first. But then I became such a pro she thought maybe she was wrong. Then when other babies started sticking their tongues out and I wasn't yet she just chalked it up to a slower development. Well I have mastered the art of sticking my tongue out finally, but mommy was right, this is as far as it goes! Mommy and daddy just laugh at me and I think its funny 'cause I push my lip out with my tongue. It's kind of messy too, I drool all over the place when I do it to. But now Gramps and I are even more alike, Gramps can't stick his tongue out either!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Toy Time

I got so many goodies for my birthday, mommy says I'm such a spoiled boy. I don't think so. After pool time during my birthday party we hung out and played with my toys. Daddy started the bubble gun up again. Have I told you how much I love bubbles?

Even Noah got into the fun and tried eating some of the bubbles.

Hey look at me I'm a present.

I rode on my new horse Buckaroo for awhile.

I sat at my new picnic table and got out some of the crafts mommy had made. Ok lets color!

But first I think I need a drink.

After my quick drink, daddy sat and down and colored with me. I didn't have the heart to tell, but I think he's a little too big to be sitting at my table.

You mean I'm not supposed to eat the crayons? How 'bout just a little nibble?

Oh fine! Aggghhhh I'll call this my angry piece.

I love all my new toys and can't wait to play with them all the time. Thanks Grandma, Gramps, Uncle Brandon, and of course mommy and daddy!

Party Pics

Yea! My birthday party was on Saturday and it was great, I had so much fun and mommy took so many pictures. I can only share a few on here so here are some on my favorites. Mommy put the coolest banner up for my birthday on Friday night and it had sailboats and a great big fish on it. Mommy said I had to be a good boy and go to sleep so I could be rested for my party - but who could sleep knowing my party was tomorrow?

When I woke up Saturday morning (around 6:30 am) I was really excited 'cause I knew it was the day of my party. I was very hyper and woke up ready to play and sing. Mommy had done alot of decorating already, and had set up the craft table, but I wanted to play so she had to flip it upside down. What a perfect idea mommy, I can use it as a boat!

Oh boy look at all the goodies I got! I got almost everything on my wishlist. I got my very own chair and a big red wagon. And best of all, Uncle Brandon bought me a rocking horse, I shall call him Buckaroo!

Grandma and Gramps showed up and they had bought me a super splash pool and picnic table. How cool is that, I can't wait to invite all my friends over for a pool party. Since it was a water party Gramps set up the pool and we all jumped in. It was great 'cause Saturday was like 100 degrees outside. Mommy and daddy also got me a bubble blower, I love bubbles and what's better than playing with bubbles in the pool?

Grandma joined me in my pool, hey guys you gonna come on in? The water's perfect.

I had so much fun, there were sailboats and speedboats everywhere in my pool.

The pool Gramps bought me had a really cool canopy that you can hook up to the water hose and it rains down on you. Grandma, I don't think its working though, there's not enough air to hold the poles up. Please don't let it crash on me.

After hanging out in the pool for awhile, I was starving. What is it about water and the sun that does that to you? Mommy had a smorgasboard of food for us though. I couldn't wait to dig in. We had authentic fish'n chips in newspaper cones. Mommy even made homemade french fries! There were hushpuppies, goldfish crackers, pretzels, coleslaw, watermelon and 3 different dipping sauces for our fish (or chicken for those that didn't eat fish). It was so yummy!
I had to wash all that good food down with some ice cold lemonade.

After lunch it was cake time! Oh boy I love cake! Mommy put on my very own birthday boy hat that her friend from the mc bought for my birthday. Thank you Crissie!

Then mommy brought out the cake she had made by Megan from Sweet Temptations. It was absolutely amazing! It was french vanilla with white chocolate filling and butter cream frosting. And best of all the boat was a rice crispy treat! Awesomeness.

Ok I'm ready bring it on!

Wait a minute, I'm not getting any of that cake?

I just get this cupcake? Oh well I haven't ever had a chocolate cupcake yet before, I'll give it a shot.

Yummy, a cupcake this good takes concentration to eat. Don't want to miss a single piece.

After the food and cupcake, I was a mess and mommy and grandma decided the best way to clean up would be to hose off. Who am I to oppose that idea, hehe. Hey daddy spray this boat over here.Then daddy thought it'd be funny to let me have control of the hose, haha. Little did he know my plans for it. Come over here daddy.

What me, get you? Never even crossed my mind ;)

After everybody got hosed off it was time to come back in. I love snuggling in my towel. Its so coozy and comfy.

After the water fun we all hung out and played with my toys (see Toy Time post). Before I knew it everybody had to go home. I was sad but I was really tired and needed a nap. Mommy had a fun game for getting everybody's goodie bags though. They were supposed to pick out a boat from the pool and match it to the numbered fishin' pole. It was so cool, each goodie bag had candy fish and chocolate coins and toy fish in them.

I had a great birthday party and I'm so glad daddy was there. I really wish papaw, grandma, Aunt Erin, Uncle Boy, Chad, Jeromy, Kelli and my favorite cousin Damon could have come but mommy said they had to stay down in Houston and take care of papaw 'cause even though he's not sick anymore he had to rest. But that's ok because I got the best birthday present of all - papaw is alright!

Sunday, July 13, 2008


Mommy please, I need a coffee first!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Singin' & Rockin' Sunday

On Sunday morning grandma, gramps, mommy and I all had a jam session. Grandma turned the music on and we danced. I had already gotten my wooden spoons out so we were set. Come on everybody put your hands together.

Ok now lets twist, like a mashed potato, do it like this!

Grandma also got out a rocking chair of my very own. Mommy says this chair used to be hers when she was a little girl. Gosh that must have been a long time ago.

I really like my new chair though. I can climb in and out of it all by myself. And it rocks back and forth. I thought it was fun to stand up in it but mommy and grandma said I couldn't, they seem to think I'd fall. Booo to them.

Grandma said she's going to keep the chair at their house so that I'll have my own chair whenever I come over. I can't wait to go back to their house and rock in it some more.

What a difference a year makes

JULY 7, 2007

JULY 7, 2008

Monday, July 7, 2008

Birthday Boy

Today was the best day of my whole life! Well at least yet to come. Today was my 1st birthday! I'm a whole big year old. Mommy stayed home with me today so that we could play all day long. Mommy had lots of treats for us to do today. It started out with my favorite yummy apple cinnamon waffles. Mommy and I played and sang songs in the morning and then I got to have my morning snack. Daddy called and wished me a happy birthday, I wanted to talk to him but mommy said I couldn't since my hands were sticky and crummy from my cereal bar. After my snack I took a nap 'cause mommy said it was going to be a long day. When we woke up I ate lunch and we were off! We went to the mall to walk around since it was so hot outside. Mommy said since it was my birthday that I deserved a birthday outfit and she found a really cool outfit that I think makes me look sexy. I can't wait to wear it for my party. The ladies at mommy's favorite store (Williams-Sonoma) gave me a raspberry strudel since I was being such a good boy, and now I know why mommy loves this place - it was yummy! We finally left the mall and stopped at Target (another one of mommy's favorite places), wait a minute I thought this was supposed to be my day? Oh wait we got some finger paints, oh boy I get to be picasso again. (See the Birthday Paint post) After our adventure to Target we came home but I was kinda tired so I took a nap. When I woke up boy was I starving. Mommy said I was in for a special treat, we were going to McDonald's for my very first happy meal. Yippy! Mommy and I were very disappointed, I guess since mommy doesn't eat there she didn't realize and well how was I to know that they don't put the happy meals in the boxes anymore.
Mommy was very upset about this and I can understand why, these paper bags take all the fun out of it, they're not very cool looking either. At least the food inside tastes just as yummy, or so I like to think even though I'd never had one before.

Ok mommy I'm not sure what you're up to but I'm ready to eat now thank you.

Happy meals are right, they make you happy! This hamburger was amazing and the french fries were sooooo good! Oh I can't believe how great this tastes!

On our way back home we stopped at the grocery store for my very own birthday cake. Mommy picked out one that looked delicious and I couldn't wait to dig in.

But mommy made me wait - and then she started singing. Silly mommy don't you know singing is for superstars like me? She sang this silly song about birthdays and thank goodness it was short.

At first I didn't know where to begin, this was much different than my first cupcake experience.

But I quickly overcame my delima and started with some good old frosting.

After that I showed the cake no mercy - it was to be dominated!

Come here cake and git in my belly!

The cake was so yummy but after a happy meal and all I was pretty full. Ok mommy please get down from there and clean me off. I'm done now.

My birthday was so much fun, I only wish daddy could have been here with me. Mommy told me as I was going to sleep tonight that daddy will be home tomorrow and I can't wait. It seems like he's been gone for forever, but it's been less than a week. If all my birthdays are like today I can't wait to have another one.