Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Christmas Morning

Santa Claus was great this year. I got lots of fun goodies to be creative with. Plus I'm going to get to be a big boy and use the new potty he brought me. I got fun paint and bubbles for bath time and then crayons and markers and play-doh. Look at my spread!

There was so much that I didn't know what to play with first.

Mommy let me get some of the play-doh out and squesh it on the coffee table. Shhh just don't tell Uncle Brandon since it's his table.

Then I got to color and use what ever color I wanted! Best of all they were all mine and I didn't have to share the crayons with anybody else like at daycare.

After breakfast we got dressed and took one of my presents from mommy and daddy outside to play. Daddy showed me how to put the ball on the tee and then we lined up.

And swing! Wow look at it go!

I got the ball guys.

Then Grandma got the bat, oh no look out with that thing!

Ok who's up next?

After a little baseball I got my reliable old truck out and drove around for a bit.

And my favorite thing to do is swing!

Grandma had lots of leaves in her yard so we did what any kid loves to do and we played in the leaves. Plus when do I get free reign to throw things?

I got a little upset at one point 'cause daddy scared me, but grandma was there to give me a big hug.

After playing outside all day I was really tired so I took a nap and when I woke up I got to sit in my favorite spot. On my gramps' lap, we watched tv together until it was time to go home.

We spent all day at Gramps and Grandma's house and then drove home. It was lots of fun but boy was it tiring. I was happy to go home and sleep in my bed. Mommy said I needed to get my sleep because in the morning we were driving to Houston for a 2nd Christmas!

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